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CERV pozadí


The CHRsucceeded in the European grant competition "Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values" (CERV) with a project focused on the rights of LGBTIQ+ individuals. The project, titled StandUp4LGBTIQ, aims to raise awareness and understanding of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU among individuals from the LGBTIQ+ community, civil society, and legal professionals. The Center will primarily operate within the theoretical and research realms of the project, but it also includes an implementation component.

As part of the project focused on Central and Eastern European countries, primarily the Czech Republic and Slovenia, a mandatory elective course will be developed on the project's theme at the Faculty of Law of Charles University. This course will be taught with a focus on issues related to equality for LGBTIQ+ individuals starting from the winter semester of the academic year 2024/2025. In addition to the course, the project encompasses a series of primary research activities with practical implications. This research will not only analyze the legal framework for protecting LGBT+ individuals, particularly emphasizing their rights under EU law, but also study the dynamics of strategic litigation in this area.

However, the list of project activities does not end with the creation of theoretical and strategic documents used in teaching. The CERV project also involves collaboration with selected non-governmental organizations, allowing students to engage in strategic litigation in the field of LGBTIQ+. Students will thus be able to apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills directly in practice.

The second branch of the project involves training for legal professionals. In addition to students, members and collaborators of CHR will inform lawyers, prosecutors, and judges about the findings of their research, keeping them in touch with the latest trends and developments in the field of strategic litigation and the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals at the European level.

The project involves Prof. Helena Hofmannová, Dr. Karel Řepa (project coordinator), along with Prof. Kristina Koldinská and Dr. Jakub Tomšej. The team also includes student Sára Eva Rujbr.

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