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Executive Committee

prof. JUDr. Helena Hofmannová, Ph.D.

Head of the centre

Helena Hofmannová is a professor of constitutional law and state studies at the Department of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law, Charles University. She also works as an assistant to a constitutional judge. From 2012 to 2016 she was a member of the Advisory Committee to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of Europe. She is currently a member of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance of the Council of Europe. 

Professor Hofmannová has lectured at a few universities abroad (USA, Netherlands, Philippines). She has published a number of publications on the protection of human rights, the status of minorities and marginalised groups, equality and non-discrimination, and questions of the contemporary concept of constitutional democracy. She is the author of Legal Injustice: the Jews in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (Auditorium 2011), Escape from Democracy (Auditorium 2020); co-author of Minorities and Law in the Czech Republic (Auditorium 2009), Civil and Human Rights in the Current Era (Auditorium 2015), Human Rights Behind Bars (Auditorium 2021). She has also published and co-authored papers on the relationship between human rights and political regimes, including a contribution to M. Jesse's European Societies, Migration and the Law, The "Others" amongst "US" (Cambridge University Press, 2021). 

Mgr. Karel Řepa, Ph.D. 

Karel Řepa is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law, Charles University and a member of the Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights. In 2019-2022 he also performed as a legislator of the Legislative Department of the Office of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in the field of labour and constitutional law. In his professional practice, he focuses mainly on issues of constitutional theory and human rights, both from an international and national perspective. In the field of human rights, he is the author of the publication Human Rights Behind Bars (Auditorium 2021) and of his dissertation on the issue of religious freedom. During his Master's and PhD studies at the Faculty of Law at the Charles University, he also spent time abroad at Tel Aviv University, Israel and Freie Universität, Germany. 

prof. JUDr. Kristina Koldinská, Ph.D.

Kristina Koldinská is professor of social security and labour law at the Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), Faculty of Law. Since 1997 she works at the Department of labour law and social law, where she teaches social security law and labour law and she guarantees and teaches courses on discrimination and migration, connected with social law. She publishes extensively in Czech Republic and abroad, with various foreign publishing houses and legal reviews. Her research interests include gender equality and discrimination, EU social law, coordination of social security, social assistance. She is a member of Europen network of legal experts in gender and non-discrimination and MoveS network (Free movement and coordination of social security), both long-lasting projects run by prestigious European universities and financed by the EU Commission. 


Studied law and political science. He is now an assistant professor at the Prague Department of Constitutional Law, a lawyer in Prague and a political scientist everywhere. In his legal practice he focuses a bit more on issues of public and constitutional law, or on issues of any law with a social overlap. He often works with non-governmental organizations and informal activist groups. He occasionally participates in OSCE and EU election observation missions.  

Zdeněk Kühn is a professor of legal theory at the Faculty of Law of Charles University and a judge of the Supreme Administrative Court. Graduate of the Charles University Faculty of Law (JUDr., Ph. D.), and the University of Michigan Faculty of Law (LL.M., S. J. D.). In his extensive publishing activity, he focuses on issues of legal argumentation and the field of constitutional and public law. He lectures at a number of foreign law faculties, his works have been published in English, Russian, Chinese and Arabic. 

prof. JUDr. PhDr. Veronika Bílková, Ph.D., E.MA. 

Prof. Veronika Bílková is the head of the Center for International Law at the Institute of International Relations and a lecturer at the Department of International Law at the Faculty of Law of the Charles University in Prague. She is also the representative of the Czech Republic in the European Commission for Democracy through the Law of the Council of Europe (Venice Commission), a member of the Board of Directors of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, a multi-presidential member of the European Society for International Law and the chairperson of the Committee for the Human Rights of the Elderly at the Government Council for Human Rights. He deals with international law, human rights and international security.  

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Jakub Tomšej currently works at the Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law at PF UK, specializing in discrimination and social law. At the same time, he acts as an attorney at the law firm CMS Cameron McKenna. Among other things, he works as a lawyer in the Czech AIDS Help Society and is a national expert in gender equality and discrimination in the Migration Policy Group. 

Vladimír Pelc is an associate professor at the Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, Charles University, and a partner at the law firm Forejtová | Pelc | Partners s.r.o. He specializes primarily in defense in criminal cases and providing legal assistance to victims of criminal offenses. Since 2017, he has been a member of the editorial board of the journal Kriminalistika, and since 2019, he has served on the editorial board of the journal Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica. Additionally, he collaborates as a reviewer with the journals The Lawyer Quarterly and Kriminalistický sborník.

JUDr. Lukáš Lev Červinka, PhD. et Ph.D.

Lukáš Lev Červinka is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Charles University and the Faculty of Economics at Ca' Foscari University of Venice. His scientific work focuses on the field of sociology of constitutions, in particular on questions of how the state can shape collective identities in society and how social trends can influence the constitutional identity of the state. He publishes in both Czech and international academic journals and is a member of the British Socio-Legal Studies Association and the international RCSL: Working Group on Sociology of Constitutions. He has studied and worked at University College Dublin, Cardiff University, King's College London, and the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law in Spain. Besides his academic activities, he is also involved in popularisation of constitutional law. He founded the Hermeniculum Institute, which focuses on popularization and educational projects for high schools and the general public.

Mgr. Jakub Drahorád

Kuba is a doctoral student at the Department of Constitutional Law starting from the academic year 2023/24. His dissertation focuses on the rights of involuntarily hospitalized individuals in psychiatric hospitals. During his master's studies, he also explored the rights of pre-trial detainees, prisoners, and children endangered by domestic violence. He has previously completed internships at the Center for Human Rights and Democracy, in the office of the government's representative before the European Court of Human Rights, and at the Association for International Affairs. Besides law, he has a background in International Territorial Studies from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University.

Sára Eva Rujbr

Sára is in her third year of studying for a master's degree at the Faculty of Law, Charles University. During high school, she devoted herself to debate under the Slovak Debating Association and was involved in leading her own debating club. In her free time, she's passionate about gender equality, racial discrimination, minority rights, and sustainable fashion. Her ultimate dream is to become a politician and contribute to societal change. Among other activities, she attended a summer school organized by the University of Leiden focusing on international legal protection for the LGBTQ+ community. She is one of the authors of a Policy paper aiding the Uyghur minority and is currently the chief editor of the CHR Student Blog.


Jan Forejtar is studying for a Master's degree at the Faculty of Law, Charles University. His studies have focused mainly on human rights, both at the domestic and international level. During his studies, he completed an internship at the Constitutional Court and at the Office of the Government Commissioner for Representation of the Czech Republic before the CJEU. He also works as a paralegal in a law firm.  

Magdaléna Milbachová

Majda is a third-year master's student. Even though she's not certain about her post-graduation plans or which area of law resonates with her the most, but human rights actually captivate her quite a bit. As part of her studies, she has already completed a legal internship at the non-profit organization Advice for Citizenship/Civil and Human Rights. She's also a co-author of a Policy paper directed towards public authorities concerning crimes committed against the Uyghur minority in China, and she serves as an editor for the CHR Student Blog.

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