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Press conference on the establishment of the Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights

The Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights holds a press conference on the occasion of its establishment at the Faculty of Law of Charles University. The press conference will be held on 29 September at 10:30 a.m. in Room 117 at the Faculty of Law with the participation of the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Radim Bohac, Prof. Kristina Koldinska and Prof. Helena Hofmann, the head of the Centre, as well as other members of the Centre.

With this press conference we would like to give a new impetus to the public debate on the state of human rights in the Czech Republic. Human rights face a number of systematic problems, among which we can include, for example, the issue of social and legal inequality. The distrust in pluralism and tolerance, which is also manifested in law, further complicates the position of many vulnerable groups such as people with minority sexual orientation, migrants or members of national minorities. H., we still face fundamental difficulties with inclusion in education. This raises a number of questions concerning the guarantee of equality and the prohibition of discrimination. In addition, the institutional framework for the protection of human rights is weak in view of the problems in the functioning of the Ombudsman's Office.

We believe that the academic sphere should not be a passive observer of social processes, but should instead be an active participant in discussions and thus support the development of the value framework of society. The aim of the Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights is to help Charles University to achieve this goal. Therefore, we would like to provide a space at the very beginning of its establishment, through a press conference, in which it will be possible to formulate the key human rights problems in the Czech Republic and to start discussions aimed at their solution. Your help would be crucial in this sense, as it is the media that can mediate communication between academia and the wider public, as well as contribute to the search for ways to strengthen the protection of human rights in the Czech Republic. Finally, we would like to invite the media, as well as the professional and lay public, to attend the conference if they are interested.

We look forward to seeing you there.

The Centre's team


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